We have Moved!
Brightpaths Family Resource Center Grand Opening September 9
We are thrilled to announce our move to 1450 Barnett Shoals Road, Athens GA: a 4.5 acre property in Athens-Clarke County, that will allow us to be a full-service Family Resource Center for families in Athens and the surrounding areas. Together, we can multiply our impact as we expand our capacity to serve families.
Where? 1450 Barnett Shoals Road, Athens: a 4.5 acre property on the East Side of Athens.
When? Now! We have moved and are working out of our new office and from home as we spend the rest of the summer making building repairs, minor renovations, painting, packing and organizing. Our grand opening will be September 9- mark your calendars! All services are continuing in full-force this summer at their current locations.
Why? We’re moving to be able to truly be a full-service Family Resource center for the families we currently serve, and the families who we’ve yet to meet, but need our support. With this new location, we’ll be able to offer on-site parenting classes with free child-care, community education courses, a resource closet that our families can shop at no-cost, a counseling room where local counselors can partner with us to offer low or no-cost mental health services to our families, community resource events, and so much more. Our vision is that this space will be a bright spot in our community, where families are welcomed in and can find the connection, education, and support they need to build strong families and healthy childhoods.
Hear more about this exciting news from our Executive Director: |
We need you!
Donate Today Donate toward our Family Resource Center Fund.
Volunteer Volunteer for a shift to help paint, do yard work, organize, etc.
Offer your Services Do you own a business? Have a skill? We need help with landscaping, painting, flooring, construction, pest control, and more. Click the link to connect us to your service or skill.
Leave your Mark “Purchase” a brick, bench, or other piece of our new property and leave your mark families for years to come.
Stock our Space Help us stock our new space from our Amazon list.
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