Emily Boswell, President
Mary Russell, Secretary
Kelly Goekjian, President Elect
Chris Griner, Treasurer
Tiffany Anderson.
Katherine Blackmon, M.D
Will Leitch
Emily Poole
Kelsie Cross
Anne Hopkins
Doc Eldridge
Lucy Atkinson
Gabriela York
Tina Little
Board Committees: Development & Events (Chair, Anne Hopkins), Program & Planning, Board Development, Finance, and Executive
Interested in serving on our board, or one of the above Board Committees? Contact us at info@pcaathens.org
Why do these community leaders volunteer their time to Brightpaths?
This young Brightpaths client-mom says it best: “My family support worker is a blessing in my life, listens to me and builds my confidence, helps me find solutions for my problems and inspires me to be a better parent and person.”